TallinnJS is a group of developers passionate about JavaScript and eager to gather together to share best practices and learn from each-other while having great time together
5th of February 2020, at 18.30
Twilio Office
Feel free to register at meetup.com

Hando Tint
Twilio Estonia
Technical Lead of Flex UI
Turning UI into an API
In enterprise world customers may have vastly different needs from your software solution’s UI. Sometimes catering to all of them and controlling them via configuration options is just not manageable. Then turn your application UI into an API allowing your customers to control the contents, look and behavior themselves! This talk is about how Twilio Flex UI does just that in our React based UI resulting in different and custom contact center solutions.

Aleksandr Lapuškin
Twilio Estonia
Messaging UI Tech Lead
Using the React Context as a DI container
Doing async operations in React is pretty easy, but how can you make it testable as well? I'll give a high level overview of how you could use the React Context to inject your dependencies into your components and how it affects your tests.
Software Engineer
Frontend Engineer
Senior Frontend Developer